Marc Basket, producer of the movie “No Man’s Land”, which won the Oscars for the Best Foreign Language Film in 2001, celebrated his 65th birthday at the Fortune Select Exotica Navi Mumbai by ITC Hotels. He is also the head of jury at the first edition of Navi Mumbai International Film Festival (NMIFF).

Marc was delighted to celebrate his birthday in India with the people of Navi Mumbai and enjoyed himself thoroughly at the party hosted by Fortune Select Exotica Navi Mumbai by ITC Hotels

Present at the birthday party were, Mr Sachin Khanna, Festival Founder and Chairman, NMIFF, Mr Ashok Purang, Festival Director, NMIFF, Mr Salim Arif, Director of Cultural Affairs, NMIFF, Captain Samir Walavalkar, Director- Business and Finance, NMIFF, Actress and jury member of NMIFF, Rohini Hattangadi,Writer, director, and jury member of NMIFF, Imtiaz Hussain.

The Navi Mumbai International Film Festival’s has an impressive line up of about 40 movies divided across 3 sections ie student shorts, professional shorts and Feature films which will be screened throughout the 3 days of the festival. These movies will be judged by our esteemed jury members, Marc Baschet, Rohini Hattangadi and Imtiaz Hussain.
Imtiaz Hussain, Rohini Hattangadi, Marc Baschet, Sachin Khanna, Salim Arif and Ashik Purang_at the Fortune Select Hotel Exotica Navi Mumbai by ITC Hotels to celebrate Marc Baschet's Birthday Salim Arif, Rohini Hattangadi, Ashok Purang and Marc Baschet_At the Fortune Select Hotel Exotica Navi Mumbai by ITC Hotels to celebrate Marc Baschet's Birthday