Top five not-to-dos in a movie hall
Movie watching experience is meant to be wholesome, immersive and engaging. Time you enjoy on your own or with loved ones without distractions. It’s one of the simplest and most hassle free stress busters today, and here are five steps that could make your movie viewing experience much better!
5) Don’t Think Too Much About the Seats
Many a times, people do not go for a movie because the ‘best seats in the theater’ aren’t available. Back in the times of offline bookings, this was based on pure luck, but with online booking, everyone can and does choose their seats. Therefore those ‘best seats in the theater’ are taken long before you can even go online. However, those ‘good seats’ don’t matter any longer. Gone are the days of single screen auditoriums with the Dress Circle and Balconies, where you would not be able to watch a movie if a tall individual sat in the seat ahead. Nowadays, the auditoriums are built in such a way that everyone gets to watch the movie undisturbed as long as everyone reclines – and everyone does – don’t worry about it.
4) Experience a Movie with Fellow Niche Lover/s
Some movies become more awesome when your movie companion gets the in jokes and does an ‘ooh’ and an ‘aah’ when the concepts and incidents that are described in the movie play out on screen. Nothing beats an evening out with your favourite-fellow movie lovers when it comes to memorable evenings. Half the fun of watching a movie with fellow niche lovers is discussing the finer nuances of the movie over dinner and/or lunch. If you don’t find the requisite niche lover, watch the particular type of movie in an ambience that matches it. Watch a pulp entertainer in a single screen, or a late night horror movie.
3) Forget 3D (at least for now)
3D is the latest fad that has hit movies, both Bollywood as well as Hollywood, and it is here to stay. The unfortunate part is that less than one percent of the total movies that are being made in 3D do justice to the format, and even in that, less than 10 percent of the movie is actually shot in 3D, making the extra amount we pay for 3D tickets an essential waste. Ask around and you will get gripes from all around that ‘3D ruined the movie for me/us’. This is not to say that the format isn’t improving, even after someone gave scientific proof that we aren’t supposed to see things in 3D, but for now, enjoy the retro feel and let movies be movies.
2) Technicality, Technicality
There is a saying that you can take a person out of the profession, but cannot take the profession out of the person. Many people who work on the technical part of the film industry find it difficult to devolve from the technical aspect of the movie, whether it is the cinematography, or art direction. Some professional dancers find it extremely, extremely difficult to just watch the dance performance and forget about it, and would go on a full-fledged review of the dance performances of the movie in their mind. Don’t do that. Be good to yourself and enjoy the movie.
1) Turn Off the Phone!
We cannot stress this enough. The phone has been the bane of entertainment since a long while. Movies are an experience that need complete attention, and that’s the reason we have theatres that broadcast them in sound proof and dark auditoriums. Everyone has a right to enjoy their movie in the privacy and silence, and the ring of a cell phone can really be a turn off for one and all. Turn off your phone and enjoy the movie!
A moviegoer is looking for a thrill from the images on screen. Bagging the best seats or showing disappointment when something is not hitting you in the right spot is part and parcel of the experience sometimes. Nevertheless, the real fun is when you really let go and let the movie ride you.
– By Roy DSilva
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