Call for Entries: 6th Cut.In Students’ Film Festival
The School of Media and Cultural Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai is organizing the 6th Cut.In Students’ Film Festival in December 2013. We invite students of diploma, graduate and postgraduate programs to participate in the festival this year. The festival invites entries for Short Fiction, Documentaries and Public Service Announcements.
This national level festival aims to encourage talent among students, not only from media institutes and colleges but also from other disciplines. The festival seeks to address a felt need for a platform where student work can be showcased. Two prizes will be given in each category. The prizes consist of a trophy and a citation for excellence in short fiction, documentary and PSA (Gold and Silver). In addition there are technical awards for Best Cinematography, Editing, Sound Design. Eligible films should be produced from January 2012 onward and should be made while the filmmakers are bona-fide students of any educational institution.
For submitting entries visit:
The deadline for submission of entries is 15 September, 2013. The short-listed films will be announced on the blog by the end of October. TISS will provide hospitality to invited filmmakers (one per film) and travel expenses are to be borne by the filmmakers.
In 2013, the festival organizes the first Travelling Cut.In Package, which will be created by selecting exceptional student works from the 6th Cut.In Student Film Festival, 2013. The School of Media and Cultural Studies envisions that the travelling festival will provide new platforms for young filmmakers in the country to have their work screened to an engaged audience. Filmmakers may authorize entry in to the travelling festival in the Cut.In entry form.