Navi Mumbai, will hold its first ever Film Festival, on 31st January to 2nd February 2014. The festival will be held at the DY Patil Auditorium in Nerul, one of the largest auditoriums in the city. On this occasion Navi Mumbai International Film Festival (NMIFF) felicitates two reputed personalities of Indian Cinema Sachin Pilgaonkar and Ravi Jhadhav. Mr Chhagan Bhujbal, Minister of Public works; Maharashtra State will felicitate Sachin Pilgaonkar on the 31st January, 2014. Ravi Jhadhav will be felicitated by Humanity First Foundation on the 2nd Feb.

Starting as a child actor, in Marathi film, Ha Majha Marg Ekla (1962), Mr. Sachin Pilgaonkar went on to act in around 65 films as a child artiste, before switching to adult roles. He has recently completely splendid 50 years in Indian Cinema. Mr. Ravi Jadhav has immensely contributed to Marathi Cinema with his award winning films like Natarang and Balgandharva’. The national award director has again won the hearts of the audience with his recent movie ‘Time pass.’

On this occasion,  Mr. Sachin Khanna, Festival Founder and Chairman says “It is our good fortune that we would be felicitating Mr. Pilgaonkar and Mr. Jadhav at Navi Mumbai International Film Festival”, Mr. Ashok Purang, Festival Director adds saying “We are honored to have personalities like Sachin Pilgaonkar and Ravi Jadhav at NMIFF. Their films have been loved and celebrated by millions of cinema lovers.”

NMIFF aims to become an international platform to showcase the talent of established as well as young & independent filmmakers from across the globe.

This three days film extravaganza is going to witness many more known faces of cinema like Nagesh Kukkunoor, Actor Sayaji Shinde, Actor Rakesh Bedi, Actress Himani Shivpuri, Film maker Nagesh Bhonsle, and many more along with eminent jury members like Mr. Marc Baschet, Mr. Imtiaz Hussain, Ms. Rohini Hattanagadi.

The Navi Mumbai International Film Festival will be held on:

Date: 31st January to 2nd February, 2014

Venue: DY Patil Auditorium, Nerul