Doha Film Institute has recently announced that it is expanding its festival format to include two cinematic showcases: the Ajyal Film Festival for the Young and the Qumra Film Festival, Doha. Ajyal (Arabic for ‘generations’) offers the first step toward cinematic recovery in November, building on DFI’s established history of community-based programming. Designed to bring generations together, the festival provide opportunities for creative interaction and opens a space for discussion about issues facing youth today. The film institute is now inviting entries for its inaugural Ajyal Film Festival for the Young. The festival will be held from November 26 – 30, 2013.

The official selection for the Doha Film Experience is divided into two categories: The Feature Narrative Competition showcases a selection of narrative films from around the world, for or about youth; and The Short Film Competition features a cross-section of short narrative and documentary films from around the world, for or about youth.

The cash prize for the competition ranges from USD 5,000 to USD 15,000 for Best Filmmakers in various categories.

While there is no entry fee, the deadline for submissions is August 25, 2013.

Films submitted to the festival should not have been released or publicly exhibited in the State of Qatar or publicly broadcast anywhere else in the world before the Festival’s 2013 edition.

Festival submissions to the competition sections are open to short films only. Feature films shall be selected by invitation only. Feature films must have a running time of no less than 41 minutes. Short films must have a running time of no more than 40 minutes.

The Festival’s competition jury will comprise hundreds of young men and women 8 to 21 years of age. To submit your film click here.