John Abraham and Varun Dhawan tweeted the new poster of their film Dishoom on Monday. The actors, who also shared the picture on Instagram, look rather dashing in the new poster (not that they usually don’t). Dishoom will see John and Varun playing buddy cops. The film is directed by Rohit Dhawan, Varun’s brother and director David Dhawan’s film. We feel the Dishoom look has a hangover from Rohit’s film Desi Boyz starring John Abraham and Akshay Kumar in the lead. But it’s a cop movie, so will be different. Akshay will be seen in a cameo in the film. John Abraham is in casuals and is seen smoking a cigarette – we wonder if that requires a no-smoking disclaimer – while Varun Dhawan is in formals and is holding a smart-looking dog by the leash. Overall, the poster and it’s natural lighting has a good effect. Dishoom, produced by Sajid Nadiadwala, also stars Jacqueline Fernandez and Saqib Saleem. The trailer of Dishoom is all set to release on June 1, 2016, and with this new poster, we’re sure the excitement will build up!
