Jio MAMI with Star Film Festival, in its latest edition, will play host to a 9-member contingent from Bhutan. A versatile team comprising of important members of Department of Information and Media and members from the Bhutan Film Association will represent ‘The Land of the Thunder Dragon’ at the Festival. The objective of this invitation is to help enhance film industry in Bhutan and to engage with film makers, producers and directors to build-up collaborative arrangement and long-term professional working relationships.

‘Hema Hema: Sing Me a Song While I Wait’ -

Supported by government officials, the cinema of Bhutan is a small but currently emerging industry, standing at the threshold of its international breakthrough. Bhutan has a massive appetite for entertainment and the local movie industry also takes inspiration from Indian cinema.

Bhutan will also be represented at the festival by Khyentse Norbu’s newest film, ‘Hema Hema: Sing Me a Song While I Wait’. It will be screened as part of the World Cinema category. In this Buddhist-themed, intriguing Bhutanese drama, a group of people don masks and come together in the woods for fifteen days of liberating and transgressive anonymity.

Khyentse Norbu is a Bhutanese Buddhist teacher and filmmaker who received worldwide fame in 1999 with his first film, ‘The Cup’.

The Jio MAMI with Star Film Festival has grown strongly with the collaboration from movie fanatics in Southeast Asia and Western filmmakers. It has an excellent mix of award-winning directors, emerging film-makers, experimental shorts, and documentaries. The festival will provide an opportunity for Bhutan to highlight the imaginative work of its filmmakers and resonating performances of its actors.

Festival Director, Jio MAMI with Star Film Festival, Anupama Chopra said,”Bhutan is one of my favorite places on the planet and it gives me great pleasure to have the Bhutanese delegation at our festival.  It’s an honor for us.  I hope this is the beginning of an enduring cultural exchange.”

The contingent will comprise of:

  1. Mr. Dasho Karma W Penjor- The Honorable Secretary of Ministry of Information and Communications
  2. Mr. Thinley Dorji- Librarian, Department of Information and Media
  3. Mr. Phub Wangdi- Assistant Information and Media, Department of Information and Media

 And members from the Bhutan Film Association:

  1. Mr. Tashi Gyeltshen- Filmmaker
  2. Mr. Thukten Yeshi- Film Writer & Director/ Consultant
  3. Mr. Pema Rinzin- Filmmaker, Sound Designer, Editor, Cinematographer & Archer
  4. Mr. Chencho Dorji- Actor/Producer
  5. Ms. Tsokye Tsomo Karchung- Actor
  6. Ms. Lhaki Dolma- Actor, writer