Shuttlecock Boys Trailer
Shuttlecock Boys Trailer
Shuttlecock Boys TrailerRelease Date: 3rd August 2012
Cast: Aakar Kaushik, Alok Kumar, Manish Nawani, Vijay Prateek
Music: Avinash Baghel
Director: Hemant Gaba
To do and what to do, is the question. Hemant Gaba’s Shuttlecock Boys charts out a unique journey of four young men who in spite of being underachievers, dream of doing something bigger. And no, it’s no Mungeri Lal take on this oft-treated subject matter in Hindi Cinema, but a very realist and constructivist one. Shuttlecock Boys shows the travails of soul and body which these four men undergo while dealing with their respective though shared realities. Tactfully making the sweaty life of Delhi its backdrop, it sharply depicts how society and family first manufacture and then treat those who go slow and are therefore and then called ‘underachievers.’ In a sense, Shuttlecock Boys seems to be a film about the young, the misdirected and the hearty finding direction on their own and taking flight from the traditional, the expected and the established to build real castles that were born in their dreams to begin with. Overall, the film emerges as a modern Indian cinematic pean to the virtues of friendship, collaboration, courage, determination and enterprise, taking up the critical issues of youth and work, and painting a beautiful and heart-rending story of severe struggle and hard-earned self-realisation, the game of badminton being an ideal and a new cinematic metaphor in Indian cinema for such tribulation filled journeys. Well done boys.
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