Yesteryear actress Zeenat Aman will be the Chief Guest at the Bollywood Festival Norway this year. The actress who is remembered as the ‘Dum Maro Dum’ girl and is known for her contribution to Hindi cinema will attend the opening ceremony of the festival.

She will be accompanied by her son Azaan Khan who will soon make his Bollywood debut as a director. An exclusive screening of of his debut film ‘Bankster’ has also been planned at the festival.

Actress Huma Qureshi will also attend the opening ceremony.

The festival will screen 26 films from India, Pakistan & Iran. Dhanak, Haraamkhor, Waiting, Kabali, Aligarh and Raman Raghav are some of the selected films from India. Pakistan’s banned film Maalik will have an exclusive screening while My Father’s Love Story from Iran will also be shown at the festival.

Below is the link of festival Promo