Work-In-Progress & Viewing Room – Extended Deadline
NFDC Film Bazaar extends deadline for submission of applications in Work-In-Progress & Viewing Room till October 10, 2015.
The Work-In-Progress Lab gives selected filmmakers a chance to screen the rough cut of their film to an eminent panel of international advisors. Through one-on-one discussions, these advisors provide valuable feedback on the edit with aim of helping the filmmaker achieve an accomplished final cut of the film. There are two separate Work-In-Progress labs for Fiction Features and Creative Documentaries, which are aiming for theatrical release. Each segment is open to a maximum of five films each.
Whereas, The Viewing Room was introduced in Film Bazaar 2011 with the aim of presenting films seeking finishing funds, world sales, distribution partners and film festivals.Film programmers, distributors, world sales agents and investors can watch both complete films as well as films that are awaiting completion, access details about the respective production, and contact the filmmakers. Films are viewed on individual computer terminals in private booths via a specially designed Viewing Room software.
For further information, visit