The Little Art announced the 5th Lahore International Children Film Festival for year 2013 at Alhamra Cultural Complex, Lahore, from September 16-21, 2013.

It announced the program of its 5th Lahore International Children Film Festival and the 2nd ArtBeat Exhibition, both to begin on September 16t at Alhamra Art Council Halls and Art Gallery, The Mall.

The festival aims to promote art education and media literacy among children and young people. It showcases educational and entertaining international films, to expose children to world cultures and open up their minds towards tolerance and new ideas. This year’s festival will showcase 94 films from 27 countries including 13 from Pakistan that are carefully selected suitable for children and young people of all age groups. The films are selected from more than 400 entries from 35 countries.

Children would enjoy record thirteen local films including three films produced by National College of Arts students along with 81 foreign films. Children from all walks of life will be invited to attend the shows of the educational and entertaining films. Marginalized children and young people i.e street children, special children and children from shelter homes are also attending the festival this year.