Panjab University has organized a three day film festival for the student of the university. The festival titled Cine Manthan – 2103 will be hosted in collaboration with Films Division of India (FDI). There will be no entry charge for the students. The festival is scheduled for October 3 to 5 at the Law Auditorium in the campus.

39 rare historical, award winning films will be shown at the festival. This year with the theme ‘Observation, Archive and Documentation’ the festival will also include a historical film on Chandigarh and news reels of the independent era.

Each day a notable speaker will be present to share his knowledge on the subject and will also interact with the students. The festival will ensue in five slots each day from 9.00 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. Seats will be reserved for students from colleges that are affiliated to Panjab University.