Bharat Shah, the well-known film financier and distributor, is a name to reckon with in the Bollywood film industry! Bharat Shah, who presented and produced many a mega Bollywood projects like DIL SE, DEVDAS in the past and many more, has ventured into Marathi Films. The most sought-after film producer and distributor of the industry, Bharat Shah is backing an upcoming mega budget romantic musical film CHAHTO MI TULA.



CHAHTO MI TULA that is presented by Bharat Shah is produced and directed by Vishal M. Puwar. The versatile man that he is, Vishal M. Puwar has also written the story, screenplay and dialogues of this romantic musical.

CHAHTO MI TULA INTRODUCES a fresh pair – Meghan Jadhav & Mitila Mirajkar along with Prasad Oak, Shruti Marathe, Sulekha Talwalkar, Vidyadhar Joshi, Bharat Ganeshpure, Ananda Karekar, Vijay Kadam, Arti Singh among others

The film is produced in association with KAVISHA Productions. CHAHTO MI TULA is set to release on January 15th, 2016.