Known in Bollywood for his performance in Rang de basanti, Siddharth is currently basking in the glory of his film’s success. The film’s title might be Theeya Velai Seyyanum Kumaru (You need to work like a fire Kumar), but its hero Siddharth says TVSK was a cool experience. “I would say TVSK is one film, for which  I worked the least. There was no tension and there was no day I woke up thinking of preparing for my role. Rather, it was so comfortable that I didn’t even feel like going for shooting,” says Siddhartth.

Siddharth has planned to produce three films with mostly new directors. He’s interested in funding small budget films with exciting scripts. The actor has been thinking of directing in his own production.

When asked about bollywood, Siddharth is impassive to the projects. He prefers south film industry over bollywood because every actor from the south is treated like a new-comer in a hindi movie and he’s bored of trying to be a new-comer in the hindi movie industry.