The IAWRT Asian Women’s Film Festival, held every year on International Women’s Day will hold its 11th edition next year in New Delhi from  March 3 to 5.

The event will showcase the works of Asian women directors in a range of genres – animation, documentary, experimental, short fiction and feature fiction. The director could be living in any part of the world but should be of Asian origin.

The Festival has called for entries which have to be sent in by  October 15.

The 2015 edition of the festival seeks to have an exciting selection of films that are diverse in context, content and form. Apart from the general programme, there will also be some curated sections. The festival will feature the second edition of Soundphiles for which a separate entry form will be out in the coming days. There will also be a special section on Asian Experimental Cinema as well as other packages.

The International Association of Women in Radio and Television (IAWRT) is a global organisation of professional women working in electronic and allied media with a mission to strengthen initiatives that ensure women’s views and values are an integral part of programming and to advance the impact of women in media.