Call for Entries: Seattle South Asian Film festival
The 8th Seattle South Asian Film Festival is inviting submissions for film and video works on subjects related to South Asia and its Diaspora.
Short films, experimental films, documentaries, and narratives of any length will be accepted in any digital formats.
South Asia includes: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Tibet and its various Diasporas across the world. All works must be related to South Asia and/or its Diaspora. This includes films made by filmmakers of South Asian origin as well as those by non-South Asian filmmakers that focus on a South Asian theme.
All works must be independently produced and must have been released in 2010 and after.
The deadline for submissions is August 2, 2013. The Entry Fee is 30 USD (41 min and above) and 20 USD (40 min and below).