A still from Gulabi Gang

A still from Gulabi Gang

Nishtha Jain’s “Gulabi Gang” will be the opening film at the 28th International Documentary Film Festival, Munich popularly known as DOK.fest München.

The documentary that was named Best Film in Muhr Asia-Africa documentary section at Dubai International Film Festival 2012 had its international premiere at IDFA, Amsterdam.

The film is about a group of women in Bundelkhand called ‘Gulabi gang’ who women wear pink saris and fight against gender violence, corruption and for the rights of poor and Dalits.

The festival will open on May 8th and run till 15th. DOK.fest München is one of the most prestigious documentary film festivals in the world. It was established in 1985 by Munich documentary filmmakers association (AG Dok).

(Source: Dearcinema)