Jio MAMI Film Club with Star premiered Haraamkhor at PVR Icon, Versova, Mumbai on January 10. Directed by Shlok Sharma, produced by Anurag Kashyap and Guneet Monga, the film received an overwhelming response from the audience at the premiere. The premiere was attended by lead actor of the film Shweta Tripathi as well as actors and well known personalities, Sanjay Suri, Kalki, Sumeet Vyas, Manvi Gagroo, Saba Azad,Vicky Kaushal, Tamannaah Bhatia, Imaad Shah, Sapna Pabbi, Prabal Punjabi and Amol Parashar along with Shlok Sharma and producer Anurag Kashyap.

Hraamkhor -

Jio MAMI with Star Festival Director Anupama Chopra with Shweta Tripathi

Haraamkhor won the Silver Gateway of India trophy at the 17th Edition of the MAMI film festival. In its continued mission to bring quality films  to Indian audiences, the MAMI film club screens India Premieres as well as a plethora of films from across the world.

Jio MAMI Creative Director Smriti Kiran said, “We are thrilled to have screened Haraamkhor as the first film club movie of 2017. The film had its India Premiere at the festival in 2015. We hope to bring many more MAMI alumni films to audiences.It is a very special film that we are very proud of. ”

Director Shlok Sharma said, “Every film has its destiny. I am very happy that Haraamkhor has finally fulfilled its. I am so grateful to everyone who stood by me through these testing times, especially Nawaz bhai and Shweta. I thank MAMI for always standing by me.”

Guneet Monga -

Guneet Monga

The film is co-produced by Shlok Sharma, Vishakha Singh, Guneet Monga and AKFPL. The film stars Nawazuddin Siddiqui and Shweta Tripathi in the lead roles. Based on real life events, the unusual love triangle in Haraamkhor explores the complexity of human emotion and relationships.

Producer Guneet Monga says, “Haraamkhor is a very special film and it’s been long journey for us to bring the film out there for the audience. We were thrilled to see the audience applauding the film when it played at MAMI last year and after winning the Silver Gateway, the journey has come a full circle with this premiere hosted at MAMI now”.

The Q&A session was conducted by producer Anurag Kayshap and Alankrita Shrivastava.