The Viral Fever (TVF) in association with the Kailash Satyarthi Children’s Foundation have created a satirical video ‘He’s not Chotu’, addressing the problem of child labour in the country. The video went viral on social media after being launched on Children’s Day on Monday, November 14, 2016.

There is a Chotu around most of us. We can either choose to be ignorant and accept child labour as their fate or break the silence, speak up and report it.

The video has already garnered over 3.5 lakh views in less than 24 hours since its launch. In addition to that, the video has already clocked over 3,00,000 views on Facebook.

Through the format of an interview, the video describes the terrible lives of working children and the deplorable conditions they work under, which many a times escape our attention. These include missing meals, sleeping in cramped spaces, the loss of playtime and the separation from family and education.The video has a young child called Chotu – the often used moniker for working children – appear for an interview to get a job as a domestic worker. He is shown to be accompanied by many other children who are also lining up in the recruitment agency’s corridor to get hired.

The satirical video has been released to build support for the most ambitious youth mobilisation campaign – ”The 100 Million for 100 Million” – being launched on December 11, 2016 at the Rashtrapati Bhavan. The Campaign is being launched during Kailash Satyarthi Children’s Foundation’s Laureates and Leaders Summit hosted by the Hon’ble President of India Sh. Pranab Mukherjee. The Summit will bring more than 25 Noble Laureates and leaders to Delhi to join their voice for the cause of children.

Along with these luminaries, there will be over a hundred other eminent personalities who will join 6,000 children in launching the five-year-long 100 Million for 100 Million campaign. The Campaign will be led by youth from around the world standing up for the rights of children everywhere to be safe, free and educated. An estimated 168 million children worldwide are engaged in child labour.