Starring Vidyut Jammwal, Pooja Sawant and Asha Bhat, the film is directed by legendary Hollywood filmmaker Chuck Russell. Junglee is a family-adventure film, revolving around a vet, who on his homecoming to his father’s elephant reserve, re-unites with his childhood friend- Bhola, the elephant, and fights an international poachers racket.

The baddest beasts of the jungle- Bhola, the elephant and Raj- essayed by Vidyut Jammwal give you a taste of the wild adventure in the Junglee trailer, released today. While Bhola is the finest specimen of just how majestic elephants can be, Vidyut perfectly matches him in muscle, demeanour and movement.

The duo’s commanding presence dominates the screen in this Chuck Russell jungle chronicle and their compassionate human- animal bond will leave you wanting for more.

Raj (Vidyut Jammwal) a vet in his thirties, lives in Mumbai and runs a flourishing veterinary clinic. He is a devoted Kalaripayattu martial artist who works hard and has all a man could want. Turn of events make him visit his hometown after 10 years – a renowned elephant sanctuary where lives his father and childhood elephant friend – Bhola.  The emotional home coming soon turns into a revenge drama which exposes the underbelly of poaching racket that was flourishing in this quaint village. Raj and Bhola’s tender friendship, a bond forged in childhood, shows that they love just as fiercely as they fight the bad guys.

junglee poster

Junglee Poster

Junglee will release worldwide on April 5. A Junglee Pictures production, ‘Junglee’ is directed by Chuck Russell, produced by Vineet Jain and co-produced by Priti Shahani.

Junglee is set to release on 5th April 2019.

  • Director: Chuck Russell
  • Cast: VidyutJammwal, PoojaSawant, Asha Bhat, Atul Kulkarni, MakarandDeshpande & AkshayOberoi
  • Studio: Junglee Pictures
  • Producer: Vineet Jain
  • Co-Producer: PritiShahani
  • Music: SameerUddin