One of the most gifted and talented actors of Bollywood, Kajol has ruled the silver screen for more than two decades. After reuniting with Shah Rukh Khan for Rohit Shetty’s Dilwale (2015), Kajol is all set to return to the big screen with Ship of Theseus fame filmmaker Anand Gandhi. Gandhi has announced that his next film, which is an adaption of one of his plays, will star the effervescent actor in the lead.



Gandhi has written and directed critically acclaimed plays like SugandhiPratyanchaKshanotsavNa and Janashtaru, along with a Gujarati play Chal Reverse Ma Jaiye. Though he did not reveal the name of the play he is planning to adapt onto the big screen, he shared his excitement of working with the award-winning actress. Gandhi has also been an executive producer on the recent documentary, “An Insignificant Man”, by Khushboo Ranka and Vinay Shukla.

Kajol’s husband, actor-director-producer Ajay Devgn has hopped on this venture in the capacity of a producer.

 With the incredible team of Kajol, Ajay Devgan’s production and a director as renowned as Anand Gandhi, this upcoming film will surely be one of the most awaited projects of 2017.