Mumbai Film Festival, organized by the Mumbai Association of Moving Images (MAMI) that ran out of sponsors for its festival in 2014, started a crowd-funding campaign to be able to collect Rs 5 crore to successfully run the festival this year.

Although Contributions started kicking in as soon as the campaign was announced, the festival is struggling to reach thee Rs 5-crore mark, it will now be open to donations till the end; Anurag Kashyap, Farhan and Zoya Akhtar recently chipped in.

The Mumbai Film Festival organised by  MAMI, has got a new lease of life thanks to financial contributions by a motley bunch of city’s industrialists, filmmakers and cinephiles. But the target budget is still miles away — only Rs 2 crores of the required Rs 5 crores have been raised so far. And that’s the reason the organizers have now decided to do away with its Monday deadline. They will be accepting donations till the time the festival opens in October.