Siddhartha Gigoo’s The Last Day to be screened at IFFCA
Siddhartha Gigoo’s The Last Day will be screened at International Film Festival of Cinematic Arts (IFFCA), Los Angeles. The festival is scheduled for October 24-27, 2013.
The film talks about the exile of Kashmiri Pandits and their struggle in the refugee camps in and around Jammu region. It takes us back to 1994, in the story of a family of four who live in a refugee camp under pathetic condition and restricted space.
The Last Day revolves around the head of the family’s struggle with dementia, his wife’s struggle to live and his son and daughter-in-law’s struggle for personal space. The film asks questions about the struggle of these refugees who had to leave their homeland. Will they overcome their struggle and get rehabilitated? Will they be able to adept in different surroundings?
Siddhart Gigoo explores the exodus issue caused by militancy during the 90s in Kashmir. Many such Kashmiri Pandit families went into exile during that period.
The Last Day was also selected for the 7th Annual FilmAid Film Festival, Kenya and the 6th International Documentary and Short Film Festival of Kerala 2013. The film has been a part Kashmir Before My Eyes, a festival supported by fd Zone of Films Division.