Rajma Chawal directed by Leena Yadav, produced by Gulab Singh Tanwar and Aseem Bajaj, which stars Rishi Kapoor, Anirudh Tanwar and Amyra Dastur in the lead.

Rajma Chawal revolves around an internet-rookie father who attempts to use social media to enhance his faltering relationship with his millennial son. 


Leena Yadav and her husband Aseem Bajaj’s last release was critically acclaimed Parched that was moved by controversy and the portrayal or real landscapes and hardships of it’s leading women.

While Rishi Kapoor is in the United States recovering from an unconfirmed ailment, his latest release after the success of 102 Not Out, Rajma Chawal premiered at the BFI London Film Festival in October 2018 and will  be available from 30th November exclusively on Netflix.