Scheduled at the world’s largest integrated film studio – Ramoji Film City, Hyderabad; Under the Patronage of the honorable chief minister of Telangana, Shri. K. Chandrasekhar Rao, Indywood Film Carnival is the ultimate film extravaganza celebrating the very best that cinema has to offer.
The 4 day film carnival would encompass 15 major segments including All Lights India International Film Festival, Indywood Film Market, Golden Frame Awards, International Film Business Awards, Panel Discussions, Seminars, Workshops and Interactive Sessions, Red Carpet, Talent Hunt & Talent Shows, Musical Nites, Master Classes, Theme Park, Oscar movie screenings, Product Launches & Brand Shows, General Body Meets of Associations, Celebrity Business Meets, Film Museum, Student Nite, Investor’s meet, Celebrity and Director’s Meets, Cinematographers & Editors Day, Festival Directors Meets, networking sessions, entrepreneur’s meet and much more.
Joined by some of the prominent names of the industry, the carnival will witness 200 exhibitors, 2000 delegates and 20,000 footfalls from over 75 countries. Delegates will include film industry professionals, business heads, entrepreneurs, film journalists, media experts, industry aspirants and thousands of film enthusiasts from all corners of the world.
This year’s carnival would also explore regional cinema industry, with a special focus on North East. Indywood Film Carnival shall bring together the state’s cultural and diverse forms of aesthetic contents all under one roof. For Cinema is a not just a mere source of entertainment but a Culture which brings together the best of both worlds….
Indywood Film Carnival – Celebrate the Culture!