Basil Content picks 3 film makers from India for Platform Busan
Vivek Kajaria, Founder of Basil Content to sponsor 3 new film-makers to attend Platform Busan
Basil Content (A film services and Film festival strategies outfit) founded by National award winning producer, Vivek Kajaria today announced that it would sponsor 3 filmmakers to attend the annual Busan Film Festival initiative Platform Busan.
The three selected participants for the 2nd edition of the initiative at the coveted film festival in South Korea include writer-director Karan Talwar (And Sometimes, She Loved me too), director Akshay Indikar (Aranya) and Writer-director Rahul Riji Nair (Ottamuri Velicham).

Speaking about the initiative Producer and Founder of Basil Content, Vivek Kajaria said, “Basil Content currently in it’s 2nd year is committed to facilitating the discovery of newer voices in Indian cinema. This is a very small step towards a larger goal. Each of these participants represents the future. They are not just immensely talented but also have the fervor to know more, which is exciting for us.”

With over 80 applications this year around, this is Basil Content’s 2nd year of partnership with the Busan International Film Festival, to facilitate this unique interactive workshop.

“Since Busan has focused on discovering the new talents of Asian countries from the very beginning, India is one of the most important country and partner of Busan. Especially given that Indian cinema has great potential and is full of talented people. With the support of Basil Content, Busan welcomes young talents from India attending our newly launched program, Platform Busan, for creating a networking place for Asian independent filmmakers and talents.” said Said, Young Woo Kim, Selection Committee, Busan International Film Festival.
“Last year being the 1st year we received around 35 applications, this year it was around 84. Hopefully the years to come we have more resources to be able to fund more participants, especially with such phenomenal talent around. Each of the applications received this year were great, unfortunately our resources only allows us to support these three this time around” added Kajaria.
Platform BUSAN is a networking platform where independent filmmakers in Asia can share their experience and seek out opportunities for collaboration. It will take place from October 6 to October 9, 2018 during the 23rd edition of the Busan International Film Festival.