A short psychological thriller directed by Tathagata Ghosh has been selected to compete for the Best Short Film Award of the Cultural Foundation at the 19th Independent Days International Filmfest held in Karlsruhe, Germany.

The Bengali film stars Shataf Figar, Aryann Roy, Soumya Majumdar, Bimal Giri and Payel Parna. 

A still from Doitto (The Demon)

On being selected for the competition, director Tathagata shares his excitement –

” WOHOO!!!! Pinching myself and shivering with excitement and happiness!!! Doitto- The Demon is selected for the prestigious 19th Independent Days |nternattional Filmfest (IDIF) to be held from 3rd-7th April in Karlsruhe, Germany at the historical Schauburg Cinerama Filmtheater. We are competing for the Best Short Film Award of the Cultural Foundation Sparkasse Karlsruhe!!! Oh my Goodness!!!!

Being one of Europe’s most important festivals for independent filmmakers and part of the European Festivals Association, this selection is extremely important and huge!! Just want to thank everyone associated with the film and to the respected juries of the festival for picking it up!!!! Hard to articulate my feelings today. Finally, we head to Europe with the film! “