It is ironical how our country functions as a democracy, while power pockets govern the whole mechanics of the society. Entertainment is the most recent victim strangled in the grasp of this ‘selective dictatorship’, in the biggest democracy of the world. Film director Kamal Swaroop’s documentary film ‘Dance of Democracy’ was censored by the Indian censor board, on account that the political satire was too ‘real’.

ThadomalShahani Centre for Media and Communication (TSCMC)has organised an open discussion with the national award winner, Mr Kamal Swaroop as a part of #CMCEvenings, a platform to ‘connect over conversation’. The session aims at enabling an ‘uncensored understanding’ of how the freedom to express and create is also affected by dictated filtration.

With the recent conflicts over ‘intolerance’ rampant in the country, Swaroop at #CMCevenings brings together the aspirations of a film maker and the problems of creativity being curbed. The young media school invites one and all to be a part of this energetic discussion.

Akhil Shahani, Managing Director at ThadomalShahani Centre for Media and Communication (TSCMC) expressed, “It feels great to have had the opportunity to host eminent speakers at #CMCEvenings all through this year. We are very happy that Mr.Swaroop has joined us this Friday. His experience and knowledge is exemplary and will provide our students with splendid exposure.”